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W E L C O M E  H O M E !

​I’m Shannon Thompson and I am passionate about Homes!  I would love to use my Interior Decorating talents and my expertise as a Realtor® to help you make the most of your Real Estate Investment.​


I N T E R I O R   D E C O R A T O R


For 15 years I have worked as an Interior Decorator.  I’ve always had a knack for creating spaces that are comfortable, personal and pretty.  I can see the potential for greatness in every home.  I have completed many re-models and over the years have amassed a great crew of subs that I trust to get me the best result for the best value.​

​R E A L  E S T A T E  A G E N T 


In February of 2012, I received my Real Estate license and initially my goal was to use it for my own personal investments.  Since then, I have realized that I love being a Realtor® as much as I loved Interior Decorating.  In both roles, I get to help people make the most of their investment and create a haven.


​​L I S T I N G   Y O U R   H O M E


As your Listing Agent, I offer my decorating and staging skills at no additional charge so your home sells quickly and for top dollar.  This service includes helping to remove clutter and re-arrange existing furnishings, accessories and artwork.  If necessary, I am happy to make paint color or improvement recommendations to ensure a quick sale.



​B U Y I N G  Y O U R  H O M E ​


As your Buyers Agent, I am happy to point out the potential in every property and devise a plan to make it your dream home.  This includes paint color and improvement recommendations as well as furniture, accessory and artwork arrangement.



If you are interested in buying or selling your home, contact me today!

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